Maldives Republic Day – A day of national pride

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It was on the 11th November 1968 that Maldives became a republic after being a monarchy for a considerable time. And this day is celebrated all over Maldives on the 11th November each year, when much rejoicing and commemorations can be witness in all parts of the archipelago. If one wishes to participate in the Republic Day activities and capture the spirit of the celebrations, look for Maldives accommodation in a reliable Maldives hotel such as the Adaaran Club Rannalhi of which the reputation as a desirable abode for holidays precedes it. Many events and parades of different nature take place on the streets on this day as part of the celebrations but the most highlighted are the delightful parades of the National Security Services and the National Cadet Corps who march the streets in perfect unison with one another. Also to look forward to are the varied performances of colourfully dressed school children that are definitely a pleasing sight to many. The Republic Day of Maldives is without a doubt a day that evokes a sense of family, togetherness and a sense of national pride where people get together to share feelings of patriotism with the community.

Jayani Senanayake is a writer who dabbles in travel and all things exotic. Under the pseudonym of Calliope Sage, she writes of the allures that must simply be discovered. Google+

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